Hellooo again from blogger land...!
It brings me great honor to introduce a series of short skits Bradley Schaffer and I put together (with the help of some wonderful friends) for Warner Brothers' T.V. series, MAD on Cartoon Network.
Coming out of our humble garage studio in Los Angeles near Chinatown, we go by...
Centennial Garage
Our first short bit was shot one weekend in late August 2011, it can be found on
MAD Season 2 episode 1 "Rioa / Thomas the Unstoppable Tank Engine"
referred to as "Tomato's friend changes"
Air Date: August 22, 2011
Animation by: Bradley Schaffer and Ashley Arechiga
Brad Schaffer and I shot this short on a kitchen counter in our Centennial home over the course of a weekend,
with two tomatoes grown by our roommate Dillon Markey.
Brad lit the set bouncing the light naturally off our white walls and tiles...
which, of course, meant we had a very particular spot we had to conform to every time we took a picture,
but that's half the fun of stop-motion!
Obviously, we only cleaned what was immediately in front of the camera....
I customized tiny sticker mouths and eyes for their expressions...
...And we rigged the tomatoes with thick aluminum wire, gaff tape,
and hot glue to control their bouncy motions without harming the delicate vegetable skin...
Pose, duck, shoot, repeat!
We had so much fun whipping out the project practically over-night!
To this day, that silly ol' Ketchup bottle guy remains in our fridge...
Cheers and a happy 2012 to all!!
Until next time...
awesssome stuff!